Monday, June 6, 2011

Tri Tip

Recently, my wife mentioned to me that she was going to purchase a tri-tip for dinner. A few friends at work told her that there was a meat and poultry establishment in Palo Alto that had a steak that was " to die for."
My first experience with tri-tip was back in the day around 1996 when I moved to Cali.
A local bar in Hayward had a barbecue out back and they would serve barbecued tri-tip for lunch.
Well, I never was crazy about tri-tip. My favorite cut of meat has always been the filet mignon.
I think times have changed.
Schaub's Meat, Fish & Poultry has a black rub tri-tip that is the BEST. It looks like a burned steak. I am still trying to figure out the recipe. Onion salt? Garlic? Salt? Pepper?  I can not taste any marinade like soy, honey, molasses. It seems to be a thick dry rub.
Taste amazing....
For a 2 lb. tri-tip, you can barbecue it for 30 minutes. I cooked mine on a roasting pan in the oven at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes. I cut it on a bias. The inside was warm and juicy. The outside a nice spicy black thin crust. The roasting pan collected juices from the steak which I poured over the top of each piece of steak.
Leftovers for a steak salad, chopped steak and scrambled eggs, steak sandwich, or just top off my ramen soup with a few pieces of steak.

Time for a road trip to go back for more... Tri-tip.

Schaub's Meat, Fish & Poultry
395 Stanford Shopping Center
Palo Alto, CA. 94034
Phone: 650-325-MEAT

Also, on my way to the Sierras to visit the wineries in Amador, I found this meat and sausage market.
A very small store with a line of people waiting outside to get in. I wondered why there was a line outside a meat market. I wandered in to find  a treasure trove of teriyaki beef jerky, smoked bacon, tri-tip,  NY sirloin, and  a boatload of homemade sausages and bratwurst.
Dakota smoked sausages, apple sausages, cajun andouille,  Okie breakfast links, jalepeno sausages, maple sausages, spicy Italian sausages, luau Hawaiian sausages, bangers, kielbasa, Chorizo sausages, Polish  potato sausages,  ham,  and Bavarian sausages.

Yelp had 47 glowing reviews on this place. So good even vegetarians were being converted to meat eaters.

Lockeford Meat & Sausages Services
19775 N Cotton Street
Lockeford, CA. 95237

Sometimes there's more to eat than quiche. Meat.

1 comment:

  1. That Tri-tip is awesomely good. Let us know when you've figured out the marinade or dry-rub recipe.


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